HaMakom “The Place” – where TBA teens gather to learn, live, and explore Judaism together.
For students in grades 7 – 12, HaMakom – Hebrew for “The Place” – is the place to be. Teens gather once a week for dinner and conversation with friends. Under the guidance of trained teen educators, they explore Judaism and Jewish identity in a safe, inclusive atmosphere.
They have fun and create meaningful relationships with their peers, while developing their own sense of their Jewish selves.
On Sundays teens may serve as teen aides in the Religious School. They may also join our Youth Group and serve on the Youth Leadership Board.
In 10th grade, teens meet with weekly with Rabbi David Holtz for Confirmation studies. This includes a trip to Washington D.C. where they engage in the Reform Movement’s Religious Action Center L’Taken Social Justice Seminar.
Participants attend programs on Israel, the environment, reproductive rights, LGBTQ civil rights, separation of church and state, international affairs, and more. They also prepare and deliver a persuasive speech to their Congressional representatives or members of their staff. It is an Incredible experience that has created lifelong passions for many of our teen learners.
For more information, please contact:
Director of Education and Youth Engagement Stessa Peers at (914) 631-1770 or email.