Youth and families

Early Childhood - Tot Shabbot

Tot Shabbat and Family Services

Tot Shabbat is tailored for families with children ages birth to pre-K. Energetic, fun-filled services with music and dance welcome our youngest congregants and their parents and caregivers.

Join us on the first Friday of the month at 5 pm and and then enjoy the Oneg (joy) celebration with snacks at 5:30 pm. Family Services are tailored to families with children in grades kindergarten and up. With interactives activities, lively discussions, and song, we explore the weekly Torah portion, its stories and lessons, and deepen our connection to our Jewish traditions. [s1]

Join us on Fridays at 6 pm (except the first Friday of the Month) followed by the Oneg celebration with services begin at 7:30pm.[s2] For more information, please contact Director of Education and Youth Engagement Stessa Peers at (914) 631-1770 or Executive Director Erica Newman at (914) 631-1770 or

For more information, please contact:
Executive Director Erica Newman at (914) 631-1770 or email.